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Pazar3.mk fills its database with an increasing number of ads on a daily basis! A lot of individuals and companies, sell their products and services thru Pazar3.mk. How to reset the maintenance light and how do you reset service light for all Renault - The biggest market for buying and selling online! If you would have anything to add, for us every opinion counts.Ĭlick hear to see full procedure how do you reset the oil light indicator. Send us a comment if our procedures are correctly. This is an information site where you can solve your car problems. Write in the search box the car name for which you want to find information, and find how to reset other service reminders when by yourself. Or any warning light for service reminder which appears on the display. Or reset check engine light, airbag light, inspection key or insp errors when maint reqd, for Renault cars. That it is the full procedure how to reset service light indicator Renault Scenic. If you like to reset any maintenance oil light after an oil change. The indicator that a Service is due is when the words change oil soon appears or the spanner starts flashing.It is an indication that the car is faulty and has a stored major fault code. If the word Service appears on your dashboard then that does. The miles indicator will then flash then change to 18000 or how you have set the distance to the next service, keep the button depressed until the 18000 stops flashing.

How to reset service light indicator Renault Scenic.