Image compression: offers various compression algorithms that were built specifically for Spice.Windows drivers: Windows drivers for QXL display device and VDI-port.Video streaming: it is able to identify video streams and transmit M-JPEG video streams.Multiple Channels: The server and client communicate using channels with each channel dedicated to a specific data type.The amazing features provided by SPICE are: Spice Protocol: This defines the messaged and rules used for communication between the Spice components.The recommended Spice client is the remote-viewer shipped by the virt-viewer although the GNOME Boxes can also be used. Spice Client: This is an end-user program used to access the remote VMs through Spice.These services are then enabled to interact with Spice. The Virtual Device Interface (VDI) usually defines the interfaces that provide access to virtual devices such as the keyboard, mouse, and display. It uses the main user, QEMU, to provide remote access to the VMs using the SPICE protocol. Spice Server: It is implemented in libspice as a VDI pluggable library.The main components that build SPICE are: Spice is capable of providing a desktop user experience to the client while offloading the intensive CPU and GPU tasks. Its mainly used to provide remote access to VMs, though the other use cases are viable but still in development stages. This is a free and open-source open remote computing solution used to provide remote display and devices such as the mouse, audio, and keyboard. Spice is an abbreviation of Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environment. Welcome to this guide on how to configure and use the SPICE Server and SPICE Client with KVM Virtual Machines.